I started wearing the Body Bugg a few days ago .
I have to tell you that I really wish I had one of these when I first had my band.
Its really helpful and interesting to "SEE" what and how you live your day when it comes to food and moving. I have never been a calorie counter, but I will be the first to admit , I need a change. What you do is input your food intake for the day . Then plug in your bugg to the computer and it tells you how you have "moved" and how many calories you have burned through out the day . The goal is to burn more calories than you consume obviously . My daily intake is 1750 calories , let me tell you that is tough to wrap my brain around after having to eat 1000-1200 a day for the past 5 years ! My goal is to burn 2250 a day . Again hard to do since I have not been working out for the past 5 yrs . The bugg is helpful because what I think is being active through out the day , sometimes does not even register as "burning" calories. I have been getting my son ready for college since I got the bugg so not much time to work out , but the kids go back to school on Monday , soon as they do I am going to be working out . Walking, yoga something ! It will be fun to see just how "much" is enough to burn the calories !
I really do recommend this espically to newbie bandsters ! I think it would have helped me a lot !
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