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About Me

My name is Mindy and I am a wife and mother of 2 boys, Ages 20 and 12. I recently started on the path of becoming a nurse something i have wanted to do since i was 11 !

Blog Archive

Monday, January 19, 2009

Change ! To move or not to move ?

(This is the house i want )
You ever feel like you want/ need a change and want to start over ?
I dont really feel the need to start over, But I feel like im in a rut.
one thing that has me REALLY frustrated is im still renting the same damn house I have been in for 5 yrs ! The house is "ok" But my boys are growing out of it at the seems!
Im frustrated we have not been able to financially build a house yet .

Our lease is not up here until June but I am looking for houses already .
Ideally we need to move in June ! Mentally I need to move NOW !
Realistically we need to move in June. The other issue is the area we live in , is VERY HARD to find bigger houses , once they come up they are gone. The area is small and the schools are REALLY GOOD . So if you find something ya gotta jump on it .
I found a house today , 2000 sq feet ( im living in 1500 now ) and its the SAME damn price as my house and its newer ( like 2 yrs old ) the house we are in now was build in the 80's . They only want a $600 deposit to get into the house !
I dont know what to do . But I worry if i dont jump on this house now in June when EVERYONE is looking for a place before school starts I wont find something AGAIN !
We really cant afford to move right now . But CRAP I dont know what to do ! SORRY I just had to vent .



  1. I have to say!!! I enjoy your blog Mindy & thanks for all your advice on my blog :) House hunting stinks. Will you landlord let you out of your lease early??? Maybe they will be nice and let you and then you can jump on this house. This house is cute!!

  2. woo girl, I am so tired of my old ass apartment that I'm ready to move out NOW. Though buying a place even now in San Francisco is an expensive ordeal. We will be here for a few more years before we're ready to buy. And I have super rent control so I'm sure in a few short years we'll finally be able to move to an up to date place.

  3. Wanting To be thing: Thanks for the comments on my blog I appreciate it .I am not sure if my land lord will let me out of my lease early or not ?
    I really like the house.

    I am tired of this house, Im also tired of renting. But buying right now is not an option. SO If im going to be paying this much for rent ( and they will up it again in June for sure if resign a lease) then I want a bigger house .
    I can get a newer, bigger home for what I am paying here.
    So we'll see.

  4. I love your blog, Mindy and have now added you to my blogroll (I hope that is OK?) You are so generous with your fabulous advice to others.
    Best of luck with the house hunting...I am afraid I am no help there!!

  5. Very Interesting article. Nice to visit your blog again. Good luck.

  6. Mindy, it is so important to have enough space with boys in the house. I hope all goes well for you.
