Please note : On some browsers I believe "ads" are popping up over my blog description for Lap Band Surgery . Or where to get lap band surgery , I IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM have ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS .. And I STRONGLY DISCOURAGE LAP BAND SURGERY .

About Me

My name is Mindy and I am a wife and mother of 2 boys, Ages 20 and 12. I recently started on the path of becoming a nurse something i have wanted to do since i was 11 !

Blog Archive

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Me tips. Our time is NOW !

Bel, Of the Miss Piggy Chronicles inspired this post . Here is her post that lead me to mine :

Weather it be before surgery or after at some point i think we all get back to what we had surgery for . US , me , myself , I , numero uno !
After all if anyone is like me for so many yrs I neglected myself, put myself on the back burner. I was a mother first, a wife next and a woman last.
After I had surgery I slowly started to get some confidence . I slowly wanted to look better. But I realized too , i was not quite sure how to do that .
It had been SO Long since i had any style. The last " Style" i had was in high school and I was a "cowgirl" , or that was my style. Wranglers and Boots.
NOW , let me say this .. I am BY NOW MEANS a style expert. At ALL . I laugh really about giving any kind of advice in this direction . However, I think its a good idea to know where to start again .

My first venture , make up . It could be cheap ( or not) it did not require me to constantly buy new stuff as i went down in size.
So a friend told me about a few sites on .
Make up tutorials if you will. A W E S O M E !
I dont have a ton of money to spend nor will i spend a ton on make up . If i get somthing on sale im SO HAPPY .
I found this one ... this guy tells you which paint brushes , every day brushes you can get that are exactly like MAC brushes. NOW If your like me and dont know WTF MAC is , its an expensive form of make up . The brushes can run $30 and UP for ONE ! 2 words for that .. HELLLL NOOOOO will i spend that on make up brushes , STUPID !
SO here is this site
He also has a tutorial on how to make brush cleaner ! As well as make up tutorials on cheap alternatives to MAC .

This one ,,, Awesome make up tutorials . She's so cute and funny . I wish I could do half the stuff she does.

The next one is more "every day" looks that's just great.

You can also just go on and search "Make up " or make up tutorials"
Its very useful . Its a whole new world. Or at least it was for me .

Clothes. I am ALL about cheap clothes. I am REALLY all about CHEAP designer clothes.
Now the closer you get into "normal" size clothes ( non plus size ) the cheaper they get. The best advice someone gave me ( granted I am a stay at home mom So i dont need a lot ) is to get 2 or 3 pairs of pants and multiple shirts. Old Navy ROCKS for this.

Once you want to start buying designer clothes 2 words CONSIGNMENT SHOP !!!
I recently got 3 pairs of Seven for all Man Kind Jeans ( retails for $200 each ) for $20 each . Also got a pair of Lucky Brand Jeans again retails for over $200 for $15 at a consignment store. It takes digging and hunting but take the time it works !

If anyone else has any "ME Tips" to add feel free !


  1. Hey Mindy!

    Thanks for the shout out!

    Thanks for the links, I will check them out.

    As for brushes, I think it's better to have a couple of the good quality ones as they really do last a long time. I purchased my brushes 12 years ago. Yes they cost me nearly $300, but 12 years later they are still going strong! I agree that the MAC brushes are fantastic!!


  2. That's the thing w/ the paint brushes, they are just as good. really they are. They are just as soft, some of them are softer than the MAC brushes and for $3.00 each you cant beat that. Alot of make up artists use the paint brushes instead of actual make up brushes.
    The one's i have are great.
    glad you liked the links !

  3. Thanks for all the great tips! You know I love to shop!

    I am definitely going to check out the makeup youtubes. I am clueless about makeup, esp eyeshadow. The sad thing is I have a ton of it... they always have me looking all fierce at the makeup counter, and then I buy the colors and can't recreate what they did when I get home.

  4. Hi Mindy!

    Great blog! Wanted to share a fabulous site that helps those who have had WLS. It's Wear-n-Share at You join for free and can sell clothes you no longer can wear, and can buy new or gently worn pieces for a song! Hope you'll help us spread the news!
    Would you link us to your site?
    Thanks so much!
