Please note : On some browsers I believe "ads" are popping up over my blog description for Lap Band Surgery . Or where to get lap band surgery , I IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM have ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS .. And I STRONGLY DISCOURAGE LAP BAND SURGERY .

About Me

My name is Mindy and I am a wife and mother of 2 boys, Ages 20 and 12. I recently started on the path of becoming a nurse something i have wanted to do since i was 11 !

Blog Archive

Friday, February 25, 2011

Has this happened to you ?

This has happened to me a few times since getting my band refilled, I am so paranoid now w/ my band I freak out at every little thing.

It usually happens if I eat late at night ... ( Ok not doing that anymore after last night ) but I had something to eat (chips ) and then went and laid down .
My stomach started to hurt way down in my stomach if that makes sense .
I guess like maybe I was stuck ? But not like I needed to throw up , (Which I REFUSE To do now ) it hurt when i took a deep breathe. I Know it probably has something to do w/ eating and laying right down .

I literally did not sleep at all last night it was so uncomfortable . I went to sleep at 6am this morning.

Anyway have any thoughts ? I feel ok this morning , but will go on liquids for a few days . My stomach feels kind of sore .


  1. I have personally been dealing with some MAJOR band issues since January. I had to get a complete unfill at the beginning of this month--and still haven't gotten anything back in the band (still having issues). I have a couple of posts about it (my last two). And Band Groupie/The Sweet Spot (who posted on one of them) also had some really good info about it after discussing it with her doctor this week. But you are right to want to be careful about things because that's where ulcers and all the heartburn (possibly leading to Barrett's Espophagus) happens. It's annoying to have to be so cautious, but such is the life of a bandster, I guess.

  2. Thanks Senorita ! I have been reading your blog today . Be careful with yours too . I found that after I got my band unfilled that I still had some restriction which surprised me .
    I'll try to catch up on your blog this weekend.
