Please note : On some browsers I believe "ads" are popping up over my blog description for Lap Band Surgery . Or where to get lap band surgery , I IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM have ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS .. And I STRONGLY DISCOURAGE LAP BAND SURGERY .

About Me

My name is Mindy and I am a wife and mother of 2 boys, Ages 20 and 12. I recently started on the path of becoming a nurse something i have wanted to do since i was 11 !

Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Getting back to Normal ? Maybe

Someone emailed me and asked me where the hell I have been !
So I thought I would try to post an update. Things have been really crazy .
Lots going on . First off. I have become or trying to become as active as I can with Children Cancer things, orgs, benefits etc. Since the death of our friends daughter, the diagnoses of our other friends 3 yr old son w/ Leukemia and another high school friends daughter w/ a deadly form of cancer its become something that , well just cant be ignored. My sisters boyfriend, his dad was just diagnosed w/ Cancer a few days ago as well. I feel like its everywhere around me right now .

As for my health problems. My husband lost his job and our insurance a few months ago . So i have not been able to go to a specialist about my probable Crohns disease.
So I am for the most part dealing with it the best I can . But I need to do something about it quickly . Between the pain after eating and the joint pain eating is quit frankly not fun anymore. Its a lot of work to eat , and when I do it I chose crap because crap goes down easier , its not good. I have gained around 30 pds that I need off. I see myself getting slowly and slowly back into the same pattern i was in 10 yrs ago before my lap band surgery , and I dont want to do that.
My joint pain is nearly constant, when my stomach acts up the joint pain gets worse.
I know i need to work out , or at least walk to help keep some of the weight from coming back on unil i can possibly get a fill ( Which i dont know if i can even get another one ) But the the joint pain wears me down so much I dont want to do anything and I am just tired all the time !

Anyway , i just wanted to give a quick up date , I will do more in the days to come. I REALLY NEED to get off my ass and do something . !

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