Please note : On some browsers I believe "ads" are popping up over my blog description for Lap Band Surgery . Or where to get lap band surgery , I IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM have ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS .. And I STRONGLY DISCOURAGE LAP BAND SURGERY .

About Me

My name is Mindy and I am a wife and mother of 2 boys, Ages 20 and 12. I recently started on the path of becoming a nurse something i have wanted to do since i was 11 !

Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Move Up date

Well looks like we are going to be moving. I spoke to the land lord of the new house yesterday , She wanted first, last months rent plus the deposit.
But I asked her if we signed a 2 yr lease if she would be willing to just do deposit and first months rent. She said YES ! SO hopefully we can come up with the deposit in the next day or so and we can get the house !!!!
Im very excited but trying to not get too excited !


  1. Congrats!! I hope that it works out for you. That house is cute.

  2. Congratulations! This house is so cute, I hope all goes smoothly.
