Please note : On some browsers I believe "ads" are popping up over my blog description for Lap Band Surgery . Or where to get lap band surgery , I IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM have ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS .. And I STRONGLY DISCOURAGE LAP BAND SURGERY .

About Me

My name is Mindy and I am a wife and mother of 2 boys, Ages 20 and 12. I recently started on the path of becoming a nurse something i have wanted to do since i was 11 !

Blog Archive

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oink Oink goes the Piggie !

I am going for another fill today . I HOPE this helps get this weight off again . I have been losing and gaining the same 5 pds for what feels like months.
I am SO CLOSE TO my goal I can taste it but it wont come off !!!
Last night at Chili's after my son's football game , I ate an ENTIRE Beef, Chicken and Shrimp Fajita plate ( NO tortillas ) AND the Veggies ! ALL OF IT . I freaked . I was like OMG are you kidding me. I mean it was not the WORST Choice , protein and veggies. But GEEZ that's a LOT OF FOOD !!! I think there were 6 shrimp alone !.
Can you say OINK !

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